Coffee With Samso Episode 116 with Jason Stirbinskis, Managing Director, Los Cerros Limited (ASX: LCL) on why he is excited about the prospect of finding a Tier-1 gold porphyry deposit in Columbia.
The Los Cerros Limited (ASX: LCL) story is one that I am pretty sure not many ASX investors would look for in the market.
In today's Coffee with Samso, we learn about a high-grade gold porphyry that could make Los Cerros a Tier 1 player in the land of giants. There is a significant moment happening now as Los Cerros moves towards drilling a high chargeable target that is between two significant prospects, Miraflores and Tesorito.
The moment of truth may be near as drilling continues.
We told the market that we may have a potential core of mineralisation between Miraflores and Tesorito. The geophysics is now backing this theory.
What I like about Los Cerros is that this is looking like a high-grade gold porphyry which is not that common. Most porphyries that I have come across have been a copper-gold system. Jason tells us that this is looking like gold dominated but there is significant evidence that a polymetallic nature may be present as well.
Tune in to find out how Jason Stirbinskis intends to take Los Cerros into the land of giant gold porphyry deposits.
00:00 Start
00:20 The Los Cerros Story.
01:48 Porphyries in Colombia.
03:43 The Colombian Porphyries.
05:27 Los Cerros is a Gold Porphyry.
06:30 Are the younger rocks easier to explore?
08:06 The Belt is well endowed.
10:22 Is there a major structure defining the mineralisation?
12:10 Clustering of deposits.
14:04 The Tesorito Announcement.
15:49 What is the significance of the geophysical anomaly?
17:09 What if the geophysical highs do not represent mineralisation?
18:14 How big can the project get?
20:20 Looking for elephants.
21:30 Are there any high-grade results from the surface?
23:17 How do you choose which good project to start with?
26:24 Is the structure complicated?
27:37 What is the mineralised width of these porphyries?
28:49 Has there been any metallurgical work done?
29:48 Where are the investors coming from in your latest Capital Raising?
31:10 Are you feeling that Australian Investors don't know the Porphyry story?
32:30 How do you evaluate "Good" intercepts in your drilling, from a Porphyry context?
34:03 Difference between Australian Porphyries and others.
34:56 What are the news for investors?
36:00 How is Los Cerros doing ESG?
37:51 Lucky Find.
38:56 What is the jurisdiction question for Colombia?
41:07 Conclusion
About Jason Stirbinskis
Managing Director
Jason was appointed Managing Director on 16 August 2019 as part of Los Cerros merger with Andes Resources where he also held the role of Managing Director. Originally a Geologist, Jason Stirbinskis is a Corporate Executive with 12+ years’ experience leading both private and public companies in the mining and mining services space.
He is experienced across a number of commodities including gold, zinc, lead, copper, and nickel and has managed projects ranging from greenfield to DFS/Development in West Africa, Scandinavia, Australia and Central Asia. Jason is well networked across international and Australian capital markets and skilled in leading multidisciplinary, international teams.
About Los Cerros Limited
Los Cerros Limited (ASX: LCL), incorporated in Australia, is an ASX listed exploration and mining company. In August 2019 Metminco Ltd merged with Andes Resources Limited to form Los Cerros Limited and resulting in a dominant position within the Andes and Quinchia regions of the Mid-Cauca Gold belt. Across the ~100,000ha portfolio of applications and granted titles, projects range from multiple early-stage exploration, through to advanced projects including feasibility.
Los Cerros primary focus is the Quinchia Gold Portfolio, which is located in Colombia’s Mid- Cauca Belt, and has a JORC compliant Resource 1.3Moz made up of 0.84Moz of gold (Measured+Indicated) and Reserve of 0.547Moz of gold at the Miraflores site and ~0.46Moz of Inferred Resource at the Dosquebradas site. The 10,500ha Quinchia Project contains a number of gold deposits and significant exploration and development targets including Miraflores, Tesorito, Chuscal and Dosquebrada.
Los Cerros Andes Gold Portfolio consists of a 90% interest in ~85,000ha of tenements also within the Mid-Cauca belt and including 3 granted titles. Only ~10% of the expansive portfolio has been systemically explored but already delivered 12 vein-type gold/silver targets and multiple gold/copper porphyry targets.
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