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Green Hydrogen is Set to Change the World

A Samso Insight on the Investigation of Green Hydrogen by Melissa Buckley

All you've ever wanted to know about this energy source, but never thought to ask is in this power-packed ebook from Melissa Buckley, one of our Samso Insights Contributors.

Green Hydrogen = World Changing

Big things have humble beginnings, and Melissa originally started out writing about green hydrogen as a blog post.

With her research and her enthusiasm, her inquiry into green hydrogen grew and it became clear this was getting more exciting and we decided to share it as an ebook.

Green Hydrogen equal to World Changing

There is no denying that green hydrogen is an exciting, emerging technology. There is much we can learn about it, and it is looking like it has the potential to change our world forever.

Download our ebook on Green Hydrogen: An Investigation to get an overview of:

  • What green hydrogen is

  • Australian interests

  • Countries in exploratory phases

  • The technology behind it

  • Costs and parameters

  • Future usage

It has all the essential information to help your decision making for successful wealth creation today.

Click below to download Green Hydrogen eBook

The Author

Melissa Buckley is a second year Edith Cowan University student studying Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising.

She has a background in social media content creation and management and in her previous career supplied administrative support to the not-for-profit sector and private enterprise.

Melissa also has a lifelong love of collecting minerals/crystals.


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