James E Marsh clears the air about Andromeda Metals Limited (ASX:ADN)
over Coffee with Samso Episode 124
Over the past two years, the Andromeda Metals story has taken many twists and turns. Today, there is a lot of misconception, misunderstanding and a lack of understanding of what the company really does. Let's clear the air.
When I first spoke to Andromeda Metals Limited (ASX: ADN) in late 2019, the company felt like it had such a simple business.
A simple business that was going to make a lot of money.
After talking with James Marsh and learning more about the business, I was convinced that this was better than an AUD$0.04 stock.
Andromeda Metals did not prove me wrong. In fact, the shares went to a high of AUD$0.45, putting their market capitalisation at over AUD$1B. I was an early shareholder and left the register many times before the AUD$1B valuation.
I have to admit that the story of the business was changing at a pace that I did not keep up with. This is nothing new in a developing company, but talking to associates and existing shareholders, I realised that there is a lot of misunderstanding.
Harking back to our very first conversation in 2019 - Coffee with Samso - Ep 27 - The myth and facts about the Halloysite and Kaolinite Industry - ADN - there was the question of what exactly is the company mining?
Back then, I was hearing from people that Andromeda was mining Halloysite and not Kaolinite...etc The result after our chat on Coffee with Samso was that we got some clarity to the issues.
In today's episode, James shares with us insights that I feel are good in helping to address some of the comments that have been flying around in the marketplace. The people I had spoken to about the ins and outs of Andromeda have been telling me that they don't really know and understand what is happening.
Hopefully, in today's episode of Coffee With Samso, we gain some clarity on some of the uncertain narratives that in the community.
00:00 Start
00:20 Introduction
01:57 The Minatour -Andromeda Metals Merger.
04:42 What is the Nanotube Business?
08:31 How realistic is this Carbon Capture Idea?
10:47 Is the Carbon Capture a Practical Reality?
12:46 How is the mine going?
17:58 What are the thoughts about a shift in demand of "unknown" metals?
21:56 How we investors see Andromeda now and in future?
25:47 What drives the Concrete business requirement?
26:20 Not all halloysite are the same.
28:59 How does Andromeda be seen as?
31:02 The ISR Story?
34:20 The Potential of being a Copper Producer.
36:25 The up and downs of Andromeda share price.
40:03 James thoughts on Andromeda as an Investment.
41:26 Concluding comments
42:22 James Last Words
Andromeda Metals Limited is an Australian Securities Exchange-listed company (ADN) with a focus on developing the Carey’s Well halloysite-kaolin deposit in South Australia. The company has built a highly prospective exploration portfolio of projects covering 5,374 sq km within 19 exploration licences located in South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia. Andromeda Metals (previously Adelaide Resources) was incorporated on 23 December 1993 and subsequently listed on the ASX on 11 September 1996. The Company’s head office is in Adelaide, South Australia. The vision of Andromeda Metals is to be a sustainable industrial minerals producer of high-quality halloysite-kaolin and high purity alumina material, thus providing shareholders with a sustainable financial return on their investment in the Company.
James E Marsh
BSc (Hons), MAusIMM
James Marsh is an industrial chemist and holds tertiary qualifications in chemistry and physics. He has extensive experience across a wide range of industrial minerals spanning a 25 year period, including senior technical and marketing roles with two global market leaders. He previously worked for 7 years as Business Development Manager for Active Minerals Australia, part of the Active Minerals International group, a worldwide leader in the production and marketing of kaolin and gel quality attapulgite clay minerals. Mr Marsh has been instrumental in developing and launching industrial minerals products into established and new applications globally and has a successful track record in general management and sales.
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